Floor drains are designed to remove water from floor and drain it to the sewage system. They are widely used in gastronomic facilities, in food, beverage and chemical industry as well as in hospitals. In certain places, e.g. at the production sites, floor drains need to be constructed in stainless steel in order to comply with the strictest hygienic and technological requirements.
In gastronomic facilities they are mainly used in kitchen lines, especially when positioned in coordination with boiling pans or tilting bratt pans from which the water used for cleaning the tanks can be discharged directly into the appropriate drain channel.
It should be emphasized, that the restaurant kitchen is potentially a dangerous environment for a person due to the presence of hot elements, boiling liquids and fats. It is extremely important to eliminate the risk of accidents at work, therefore proper drainage of liquid impurities from the floor surface improves the health and safety conditions.