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 B2B  | 

2 door refrigerated counter GN2/3

There are several models to consider from in GORT refrigerated counters line. Refrigerated counters are used in widely understood gastronomy. They combine working surface and cooling technology, thus enabling quick access to the products that require low storage temperature.

Depending on the model, the refrigerated counters are equipped with s/s solid or glass hinged door and 2 or 3 drawers sections. It is  possible to order the counter with sink or the Chef’s knife drawer at the top of compressor compartment.
The worktops can be made of granite or stainless steel with various upstands options (without upstands, rear upstand, upstands from 3 sides, rear and right hand side upstand, rear and left hand side upstand).

Considering the usable space of the facility there are 2-, 3-, 4- chamber refrigerated counters.

The exterior and interior of the refrigerated counter is made of high quality stainless steel for long-term use and easy cleaning.

For the sake of our natural environment, an ecological refrigerant has been used in the units.

2 door refrigerated counter GN2/3
stół chłodniczy
stół chłodniczy
stół chłodniczy
stół chłodniczy

Ask for a product

    PRODUCT CODE: CKA101100-137DV


    external dimensions 1370 x 600 x 850 mm
    power supply 230 V
    power 0,50 kW
    capacity 230 L
    temperature range +2 ÷ +10oC

    Refrigerated counter:

    • Casing made of stainless steel.
    • Digital temperature control and display.
    • Forced air refrigeration.
    • Evaporator with anti-corrosion coating.
    • Worktop 40 mm thick and rear upstand h=50 mm.
    • Removable rails supports for easy cleaning.
    • Removable magnetic door gasket.
    • Designed to GN2/3 containers.
    • Available configurations: s/s solid door, glass door, 2 drawers section GN2/3-200 mm, 3 drawers section GN2/3-65 mm.
    • Recessed cooling chamber’s bottom.
    • Condensate evaporation.
    • Automatic and manual defrosting.

    • Ecological refrigerant R290.

    • Polyurethane insulation 50 mm.

    • Compressor compartment mounted on the left hand side (optionally on the right hand side).
    • Designed to ambient temperature +30oC.
    • Height adjustable s/s legs (optionally castors).
    • 1 plastic coated slatted shelve 325×430 mm and 2 sets of runners for each chamber with door.