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 B2B  | 

Wall refrigerated display DROP-IN, 4 x GN1/1

DROP-IN refrigerated display has been designed for buffets and any type of distribution systems. The unit allows attractive presentation of the dishes at ideal temperature for maintaining the food tasty and healthy. The possibility to build the equipment into the worktop of the buffet or a self-service line allows you to fully integrate the units with the interior design and architecture.

The refrigerated display is made of stainless steel. High hygiene and easy cleaning are ensured by pressed well, rounded inner edges and the fall of well’s bottom towards the outlet.
The equipment combines the functions of a typical refrigerated display with flat bottom (after putting the bottom inserts at the highest level) and refrigerated well for beverages (no bottom inserts or inserts placed at the lowest level).

Available options:
– integrated or remote control panel
– 3 sizes of the unit available: 2xGN1/1, 3xGN1/1 or 4xGN1/1
– 8 compressor compartment ventilation options.

Wall refrigerated display DROP-IN, 4 x GN1/1

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    PRODUCT CODE: DC223_-152EV


    external dimensions 1520 x 700 x 1440 mm 
    power 1,15 kW
    power supply 230 V
    well dimensions 1305 x 509 mm
    capacity 4 x GN1/1-150 mm
    total display surface 1,74 m2
    temperature range +2 ÷ +10oC
    ambient temperature +25oC

    DROP-IN refrigerated display:

    • Wall refrigerated dispaly, with night curtain.
    • Integrated control panel.
    • Digital temperature control and display.
    • Usable surfaces made of stainless steel.
    • 8 compressor compartment ventilation options – the choice depends on the front décor panels and selected control panel.
    • Forced air refrigeration system.
    • Tempered safety glass, insulating glass units.
    • A set of full bottom inserts for refrigerated well (after their removal, GN1/1-150 mm containers can be used).
    • 4 levels of hanging the bottom inserts in the well designed to accept GN containers with depth 20, 40, 65 and 100 mm.
    • The unit combines the functions of a typical refrigerated display with flat bottom (after putting the bottom inserts at the highest level) and refrigerated well for beverages (no bottom inserts or inserts placed at the lowest level).
    • Adjustment of the tilt angle and the height of glass shelves (regulation every 45 mm).
    • LED lighting.
    • Ecological refrigerant.
    • Polyurethane insulation.
    • Water drain from the well into condensate container or into sewage system (water outlet G ¾”).

    • The offer also includes the versions:

      • with remote control panel DC233_-152EV
      • to be connected to remote compressor DC2330-152EV.